DEMO: Cohere Technologies performs trials of OTFS waveform radio technology

5G Demos & trials

Cohere Technologies performs trials of OTFS waveform radio technology

Start Date

Sept 25, 2017 

End Date

Sept 28, 2017 

Involved entities:



5TONIC partners TelefónicaIMDEA NetworksUniversity Carlos III Madrid, and Cohere Technologies announced on September 28th that the companies have cooperated in a number of successful trials to test Cohere Technologies’ OTFS waveform, a new radio technology that has been proposed for 5G radio interface in 3GPP


Orthogonal Time Frequency and Space (OTFSTM) is a new wireless modulation technology developed by Cohere Technologies that implements a 2-dimensional representation of the wireless channel, making all wireless transmission under any conditions resilient to channel dynamics.


For these purposes, 5TONIC administered tests during four days where several links with different lengths and propagation conditions were established at different locations including IMDEA Networks premises, University Carlos III, Leganés Campus, and Telefónica headquarters at Distrito Telefónica, which are expected to be representative of different operational conditions. 


Additionally, indoors measurements were also carried out in order to assess OTFS capacity to cope with rich multipath propagation conditions. These tests demonstrated that OTFS is compliant with the regulation on potential interference on users of adjacent spectrum. The results obtained fulfilled the targets set up by the participants and set the basis for further cooperation between them.


The tests conducted by 5TONIC were mainly intended to assess the suitability of OTFS based radio equipment for supporting fixed wireless access, a potential 5G use case that Telefónica and other operators are actively exploring.

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5TONIC - IMDEA Networks Institute

Avenida del Mar Mediterráneo 22, 28918 Leganés (Madrid), Spain



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